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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How To Flirt With a Girl on the Street

Most of you guys meet in street, school or work many and many beautiful, good looking and sexy attractive girls but just like you see them they also disappear in same way as a shadow without any words said at her or probably she did not even felt your presence at all. And do you know why this bad thing happened? Do you know it? Maybe not but i know it, this happened because you did not dared!

When we, boys stay or walk or even when we are busy on some dizzy stuff of work should always keep our mind turned on because chances always fell from sky. You can meet an awesome girl everywhere including a restaurant's bathroom, i mean it there are chances everywhere to get a girl if pay attention.

Most of you guys i know, walk or stay on everywhere attached somewhere deep on memories and thinking of something which could not have, work ideas of business or a beautiful girl. By doing this you all forget that how many girls are near of you, and believe me they are many!

Most of guys i have seen when walk in street where for me is "Paradise of flirt" will keep head down watching the asphalt or will look straight in a deep look which looks that in your eyes have attached a superman's eyes and you are watching people's skeleton!!

Walking with shoulders hanged down, with garbled steps when even you don't know where your legs with deliver you at! Give away from inferior standing, walking and wearing!

Remember that girls like normal guys not with big muscles, with costume or anything else which for their eyes is not attractive but is boring!

When u plan on going out for a ride keep on mind that in there where you will go are dozens of pretty and for sure single girls. So first of all must do of course a hair style, wear some cool clothes, i mean clothes which make you look same as you are! Not a costume, not a big jacket to look bigger or some black shoes which you bought for 500$, throw them all out, it doesn't works!

I would recommend simple clothes, if is hot in summer a simple white or black t-shirt, white pants or jeans, something classic because classic never dies. Don't waste time on wearing clothes which you think makes you look elegant and attractive, because probably they make you look dumb.

After finished all those of dressing up which is a topic which makes me feel dizzy and bored, you can go out to try your luck. When will be walking on street must always keep a good standing way, chest up, shoulders in right position to show your chest but also to not make you look like you don't have shoulders at all and always must be focused not dreaming with eyes open.

Lets guess that a girl is passing there near by and you think that she is damn hot and should be yours. if the girl is in front of you walking in same direction with you this is a plus but if is coming in your direction is a big minus! Why so? Easy, she will see what are you made from since in first look, but that does not mean is over, and another problem with this is that you must follow her and you need to create a reason to turn back from where you were going, and this should be made with a smart idea, like visiting a shop near by and turning back as if you did not found what you were looking at.

The biggest problem in this is that you must talk with the target with any cost! Actually you should find a reason to talk with her, you may ask her about a street name, a bar, a club a disco anything comes to your mind. But before you take the courage to talk at her are you sure that you will talk normally and wont stammer? Maybe not maybe yes depends on people.

Actually you should ask her of something and should make it interesting, if you know the terrain ask her about something which is located in same way which girl is going at, so by this will get some time to talk with her more.

If girl is not a total ignorant and dumb may reply you in a nice way and you will win 30% more chances to date her .Directly after starting walking with her take one of the sides and make her feel protected, you can do this easily, when people come go in her side so others will not separate you, girl will feel that is with you not a stranger. When you talk with her, remember to not show her your chest, will make her feel bad for sure, and also most important tip when talk with a new girl is that should always look at her lips when she talk, whatever she says you should keep your eyes on her lips!

Ask her about name, school but don't ask about her studies or location that will make her feel unsecured and will want to run away from you! This is a dilemma, because you need a lot of information but the time and questions are limited so, the best way is asking her about facebook address or some kinda things like this or phone number.

Let's guess you did all this but would not be polite and of course would be an insult for girl if you ask her to drink something, don't do it at first time, you may request her phone number and tell her that she made you a favor and if she is free one day you may return her with a coffee, a chocolate an ice cream or i don't know what, just find a reason to get a contacting way with her!

If you became successful at the first time don't go home, keep like this for the rest of time, is always two or more better than one! *jokingly*
This is my first advice on getting a chance to date with an unknown girl which you may meet in street, and is always only to Albozian Philosophy on girl's!

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